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Best Places Lists Worth the Read


April 6.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter. Thanks to everyone for the great conversations going on in the Blogs - always interesting! Also, please sharethe word about us by forwarding this newsletter to a friend. They can get their own free, no obligation, copy here.
This  rapidly growing town 30 minutes from Vail is great for retirees seeking a mountain lifestyle.  The skiing, hiking, golf, and biking are all top notch in this pretty place.
Sometimes we see a list of best places to retire and all we can do is shake our heads. How did they come up with those choices? In this article we compare and contrast 2 recent rankings of states with our own lists at Topretirements. Spoiler: there wasn't all that much in common!
This might be a good time to explore Augusta, home of the Masters tournament, which so many of us will be watching this weekend. The town has had its ups and downs, but its revitalized Riverwalk project has made a big difference. Just across the river is North Augusta, SC.
Talk about second careers, Mrs. Topretirements's 7th mystery in her "Key West Food Critic" series hits the bookstores today.  This cozy mystery takes place in a PG version of the Conch Republic's infamous Fantasy Fest.
We see enough comments from our Members and visitors to realize that many of you have very specific wants when it comes to finding your best place to retire. Using our Advanced Search feature you can find places in each state that offer specificamenities, types of housing, community size, winter/summer temps, etc. Try it, you might be pleasantly surprised.
Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, please forward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign up page.


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